ATOM Mobile Apps

Pusat Sepatu Bandung 1.0.2
ATOM Mobile
Pusat Sepatu Bandung
Strategi dan Bisnis 1.0.1
ATOM Mobile
Strategi dan Bisnis
Elizabeth International 0.0.2
ATOM Mobile
[OFFICIAL] Elizabeth International. HotelManagement School
Majalah Wirausaha & Keuangan 1.0.1
ATOM Mobile
Majalah Wirausaha & Keuangan
Dunia Jilbab 0.0.3
ATOM Mobile
(Official) Dunia jilbab adalah media komunitasmuslimah yang bertujuan membagi semangat berhijrah pada umatmuslimah di Indonesia dan dunia."Inspirasi Muslimah Menuju Hijrah" adalah tagline yang diusungoleh komunitas berdiri pada bulan September 2012. Kini tumbuhmenjadi media muslimah terbesar di Indonesia.Melalui aplikasi ini, user diajak untuk berkontribusi membagikankisah hijrahnya untuk menginspirasi sesama muslimah menjadi lebihbaik, yang Insya Allah akan menjadi amal jariyah.Selain bisa berbagi dan menyimak berbagai kisah inspirasi darisesama muslimah, anda juga bisa mendapatkan banyak sekali artikelislami terupdate, hadits, dan rangkaian penyejuk hati.Semoga dengan adanya aplikasi dari ini diperangkat mobile anda, akan semakin memudahkan anda dan umatmuslimah di Indonesia dan dunia untuk berbagi kebaikan daninspirasi hijrah pada sesama.Kontribusi konten, doa, dan saran anda akan sangat membantuuntuk perkembangan aplikasi ini ke depannya agar semakin lebihbaik.Contact:
M-Market 0.0.1
ATOM Mobile
Aplikasi M-MarketApplicationM-Market
Anggia Handmade 0.0.1
ATOM Mobile
[OFFICIAL] Aplikasi Android AnggiaHandmade
Paranormal's Gem Stone 0.0.4
ATOM Mobile
Aplikasi Toko Online Gem StoneApplications OnlineStoreGem Stone
Kesetku 0.0.1
ATOM Mobile
Kami UKM yang bergerak dibidang kerajinantangan ( Handycarraft) berupa keset karakter / motif dr kain percagarmentOur SMEs are engaged inhandicrafts (Handycarraft) in the form of a doormat character / drmotif patchwork garment
Indonesia Quality Expo 0.0.1
ATOM Mobile
[OFFICIAL] Indonesia Quality Expo[OFFICIAL] IndonesiaQuality Expo
LAVA 0.0.1
ATOM Mobile
Aplikasi Official Laguna Art VisionMediaOfficial applicationLaguna Art Vision Media
Sales Sukses 0.0.4
ATOM Mobile
Sales Sukses
Property Laris 0.0.1
ATOM Mobile
Agen Property, Developer, Kontraktoryangberada di Kota Bogor. Melayani semua jenis kebutuhan propertyandauntuk property baru (Primary), Rumah Subsidi, dan Secondary(Rumah,Tanah, Ruko, Gudang, Pabrik, Apotik, Home, Rumah Sakit,Apartemen,Tempat Kos, dll) khusus area JABODETABEK dansekitarnya.PropertyAgents,Developers, Contractors in the city of Bogor. Serving alltypes ofneeds of your property to the new property (Primary),housingsubsidies, and Secondary (house, land, office, warehouse,factory,Pharmacies, Home, Hospital, Apartments, Kos place, etc.)specialJABODETABEK and surrounding area.
Nano Spray MGI 1.0.1
ATOM Mobile
Nano Spray MGI
Artha Timur Property 0.0.5
ATOM Mobile
Artha Timur Property. Mudahnyajual/beli/sewapropertiAnda dapat mencari produk properti yang Anda inginkan.Aplikasiini gratis untuk pengguna Android.Anda juga dapat menitipkan properti milik Anda yang inginAndajual/sewa kepada Artha Timur Property melalui ContactCenter.Artha Timur Property akan selalu mengupdate produk terbaru.
Sinar Toys 0.0.4
ATOM Mobile
Sinar Toys Shop, Sell stuf for plasticmodel.Locate in Bekasi
GII Fashion 0.0.2
ATOM Mobile
[OFFICIAL] Aplikasi GII Fashion[OFFICIAL]ApplicationsGII Fashion
Supernova House 0.0.2
ATOM Mobile
Koleksi cantik dan unik busana muslim rajutSupernova HouseBeautiful and uniquecollection of Muslim fashion knit Supernova House
KJB 1.1.5
ATOM Mobile
Adalah aplikasi Official KJB - Bag's &BackpackOfficial application isKJB - Bag's & Backpack
Summer Run Festival 0.0.5
ATOM Mobile
Summer Run Festival
Yur Sayur 1.0.1
ATOM Mobile
Aplikasi Official Yur SayurOfficial applicationYurVegetables
Doctor Anti Thief 1.0
ATOM Mobile
Doctor Anti Thief, security for deviceusingBluetooth.Ringing when your device far from another device.- Can change the range sensitivity- Can chose your own ring sound
JCI Event 1.0.2
ATOM Mobile
All JCI event will be inform here.
Maghfirah 0.0.1
ATOM Mobile
The Wedding Executor 0.0.1
ATOM Mobile
Aplikasi Official The Wedding ExecutorThe WeddingOfficialApplication Executor
AqiqahQu 0.0.1
ATOM Mobile
Aplikasi official android AqiqahQuOfficialandroidapplication AqiqahQu
Bandung TV 1.0.3
ATOM Mobile
Bandung, adalah sejarah tanah Sundadenganbudaya yang berkembang pesat sejak pertengahan abad ke-5.Suatutradisi budaya Nusantara yang berkembang seiringdenganperkembangan jati diri bangsa Indonesia. Sejarah tanahSundamenjadi komponen penting bagi terwujudnya ikatan tataranSunda,suatu ikatan sejarah adanya kesamaan religi, kesadaranakannilai-nilai pandang hidup yang “nyunda” sekaligus sejarahKotaBandung sebagai daerah heroic dalam mempertahan kemerdekaan RI.Di tengah revolusi teknologi yang melanda masyarakat, BandungTVhadir sebagai perwujudan kreativitas seni budaya masyarakatSundadalam menemukan jatidiri melalui media televise. Mediatelevisidipilih dengan asumsi televise sebagai perwujudan audiovisualmemiliki pengaruh besar terhadap perilaku masyarakat sebagaisuatukomunitas konsumsi.Sebagai wadah kreativitas masyarakat Sunda, Bandung TV,televisilokal pertama di Bandung dan Jawa Barat menitikberatkanprogramacaranya pada upaya pencerahan masyarakat dalam segalaaspekkehidupan dengan fondasi seni budaya. Titik berat inidipilihkarena seni budaya merupakan poros kehidupan yangmenggerakandimensi social dan ekonomi masyarakat.
CEO Stars 1.0.5
ATOM Mobile
Get the leadership insights and be a stepaheadleader. CEO Stars, on leader's mind.Get theleadershipinsights and be a step ahead leader. Stars CEO, onleader'smind.
JCI Bandung 1.0.3
ATOM Mobile
JCI Bandung
Mukena Moriza 0.0.1
ATOM Mobile
Aplikasi Official Mukena Moriza.Dapatkaninformasi terbaru dari produk Mukena MorizaOfficialapplicationmukena Moriza. Get the latest information on productsmukenaMoriza
SAM E - Katalog 1.0.3
ATOM Mobile
SAM E - Katalog
Kumpulan Resep Makanan 1.0.3
ATOM Mobile
Kumpulan Resep Makanan Terlengkap
Vanilla Hijab 0.0.2
ATOM Mobile
Vanilla Hijab android applicationonlineshoppingHijab Fashion tutorial and galleryHijab vanillaandroidapplication online shoppingHijab Fashion tutorials and gallery
Kumpulan Cerita Lucu 0.0.2
ATOM Mobile
Kumpulan Cerita Lucu
RRI Pro 2FM Bandung 1.0.2
ATOM Mobile
Radio RRI Bandung
Kumpulan Kisah Mistis 1.0.3
ATOM Mobile
Kumpulan Kisah dan gambar mistis, updatesetiaphari.
SOKA 0.0.3
ATOM Mobile
Aplikasi Official SokaOfficialapplicationSoka
AAA-Properties 0.0.1
ATOM Mobile
Agung Alam Anugrah Properties is one oftheleading property developer companies in Indonesia.AAA Properties prioritises comfort and ease of modern living.Wespecializes in large scale property development projects inseveralprestigious areas such as Jakarta, Bogor, Surabaya, andothermetropolitan city. Our portfolios consist of township,superblock,apartment, office tower, mall, industrial estate,warehouse, hotel,and many more.Agung Alam Anugrah Properties began as a contractor companyofshophouses, pioneered by Ir. Henky Soesanto in 1978. Ourfirstproject was building 300 homes in a residential complex ownedbySinar Galaxy Company. Over the past three decades, AAApropertieshas developed its portfolio in various regions inIndonesia throughinvestment contributions from affiliatedcompanies.In 2014, AAA has successfully offers an integrated andmostmodern warehouses complex in Surabaya, Bumi Benowo. Itsoonfollowed by another success of shop houses project in severalareasin Surabaya.AAA properties still has many projects in preparationandnegotiation, with total planned area of approximately200hectaresOur vission and mission are Nurture Relationship and LoyaltybySatisfaction and —delivering top quality as promisedAlam AnugrahAgungProperties is one of the leading property developer companiesinIndonesia.AAA Properties prioritises comfort and ease of modern living.Wespecializes in large scale property development projects inSeveralprestigious areas such as Jakarta, Bogor, Surabaya, andothermetropolitan city. Our portfolios Consist of township,superblock,apartment, office towers, shopping malls, industrialestate,warehouse, hotel, and many more.Alam Anugrah Agung Properties Began as a contractor companyofShophouses, pioneered by Ir. Henky Soesanto in 1978. Ourfirstproject was building 300 homes in a residential complex ownedbySinar Galaxy Company. Over the past three Decades, AAAhasdeveloped its portfolio of properties in various regionsinIndonesia through investment contributions fromaffiliatedcompanies.In 2014, AAA has successfully offers an integrated andmostmodern complex of warehouses in Surabaya, Earth Benowo. ItsoonFollowed by another success of shop houses Several projectsinareas in Surabaya.AAA properties still has many projects in preparationandnegotiation, with a total planned area of ​​approximately200hectaresOur vission and mission are Nurture Relationship and LoyaltybySatisfaction and -delivering top quality as promised
Rumah Aqiqah 0.0.2
ATOM Mobile
Rumah Aqiqah secara resmi berdiri pada28September 2009 dengan membuka kantor layanan di kotaJakarta,Bandung, Solo, Yogyakarta. Saat ini Rumah Aqiqah telahmerambah ke13 kota di Pulau Jawa dan Pulau Sumatera untuk melayanikebutuhanmasyarakat Muslim dalam beraqiqah. Selain untuk masyarakatmuslimIndonesia, Rumah Aqiqah juga memfasilitasi masyarakat muslimdiSingapore, Malaysia, serta Australia dalam ibadah aqiqahdanqurbannya.Dalam melayani kebutuhan aqiqah, Rumah Aqiqah selaluberusahamengedepankan prinsip profesionalitas dan kemudahan dalamkerangkatetap menjaga prinsip syar’i untuk semua aspekAqiqah housewasofficially established on 28 September 2009 to open aserviceoffice in Jakarta, Bandung, Solo, Yogyakarta. Currently thehouseAqiqah has expanded to 13 cities in Java and Sumatra to servetheneeds of the Muslim community in beraqiqah. In addition totheMuslim community in Indonesia, Home Aqiqah also facilitatestheMuslim community in Singapore, Malaysia, and Australia inworshipaqiqah and qurbannya.In serving the needs aqiqah, Home Aqiqah always trying topromotethe principles of professionalism and ease within theframework ofmaintaining the principle syar'i for all aspects
RC Comunity 0.0.6
ATOM Mobile
Yook Mari Gabung disini bagi anda pecintaRcbentuk apapun yang peting Rc biar banyak teman banyaksodara
DAS Apparel 0.0.2
ATOM Mobile
Welcome Diponegoro University students,alumni,and visitors. We are Diponegoro Apparel Shop and you cancall meDAS. Your best place to shop Diponegoro Universityapparel,merchandise, and gifts at the most affordable prices.Founded andrun by Diponegoro University students, we serve you withpride anddedication. We want you to feel good about showing offyour pridein style. DAS is the best way to make you feel moreintellectual,elegant and fashionable. Enjoy your time at DiponegoroUniversityand thanks for shopping at DAS.WelcomeDiponegoroUniversity students, alumni, and visitors. We areDiponegoroApparel Shop and you can call me DAS. Your best place toshopDiponegoro University apparel, merchandise, and gifts at themostaffordable prices. Founded and run by DiponegoroUniversitystudents, we serve you with pride and dedication. We wantyou tofeel good about showing off your pride in style. DAS is thebestway to make you feel more intellectual, elegant andfashionable.Enjoy your time at Diponegoro University and thanks forshopping atDAS.
NDG 2017 1.5
ATOM Mobile
NDG 2017NDG 2017
Ayla Kirana Songket 1.0
ATOM Mobile
Kami menjual beragam jenis kain songketaslipalembang yang berkualitas dengan kisaran harga yang beragamsertabeberapa sovenir khas palembang.We sell a varietyofnative Palembang songket fabric quality with a diverse pricerangeas well as some typical souvenirs palembang.
pinnaclean 1.0
ATOM Mobile
Layanan Cuci Mobil Tanpa Air (WaterlessCarWash)Service Car WashWithoutWater (Waterless Car Wash)